現在、新型コロナウイルス蔓延防止のための時短営業 (15:30 - 20:00) を行っておりますが、緊急事態措置を実施すべき期間が2021年3月1日以降、大阪府は緊急事態宣言対象区域から除外され、大阪市の営業時間短縮要請変更されました。それにより
Now, we have been operating for shortening business hours (15:30 - 20:00) to prevent the spread of the new corona-virus. And finally, after March 1, 2021, Osaka Prefecture has been excluded from the area subject to the state of emergency, so the request of the shortened business hours of Osaka City has also changed. So, the business hours will be
from 16:00 to 21:00 from March 1st to March 21st, 2021 (liquors will be served until 20:30).In addition, if the request for shortening the business hours in the Osaka city area is changed, it will be changed accordingly.
稲葉高志 (INABA, Takashi)
〒530-0027 大阪市北区堂山町13-5
13-5 Doyama-cho Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan
Postal code 530-0027
Tel/Fax 06-6313-2644
e-mail info@unipon2kau2.com
[INABA, Takashi] http://www.takashi-inaba.com
[u:ni:pon2kau2 art project space & bar] (Founder) http://www.unipon2kau2.com
[PUZZLE PROJECT] (Founder/Director ) http://www.puzzle-project.org
[pad GALLERY] (Founder/ Director) http://pad-gallery.com/
[Art event P.A.D.] (co-organizer) http://pad-art.net/
より大きな地図で ウーニーポンポンカウカウ unipon2kau2 を表示